The Project Management Software CPA Canada Counts On

How the Chartered Professional Accountants of Canada (CPA Canada) gained comprehensive oversight and efficiency in their project management processes.
CPA Canada
Accounting and Professional Services
1000+ people
  • Fragmented Information
  • Limited Collaboration and Visibility
  • Scheduling Challenges
  • Duplication of Effort

The CPA Canada Story

CPA Canada is one of the world's largest national accounting organizations, representing over 200,000 professional accountants across the country. The organization plays a vital role in maintaining high standards in financial reporting and auditing, and in delivering rigorous certification programs for aspiring accounting professionals.

Previous Project Management Software

CPA Canada was undergoing a significant reorganization, and had created a PMO (Project Management Office) to oversee Project management across the organization, consisting of many groups. Each team was using a different mix of manual processes and legacy tools, such as MS Project. There were inconsistencies, duplications and difficulties in managing projects across this large and widespread organization.

Project Management Pain Points

  • Fragmented Information: Project data was scattered across various systems, making it difficult to gain a comprehensive and accurate view of progress and resource allocation.
  • Limited Collaboration and Visibility: Working within siloed systems hindered collaboration across departments and teams. Lack of real-time visibility into project progress led to miscommunication and delays.
  • Scheduling Challenges: The PMO struggled to align project schedules with individual team calendars and availability, leading to potential conflicts and inefficient resource utilization.
  • Duplication of Effort: The reliance on manual processes and multiple tools led to duplicate data entry and unnecessary administrative overhead.

How has Project Insight Helped Cal Coast?

  • Enhanced Project Visibility: Project Insight's unified platform provides a single source of truth for all project-related information. Customizable dashboards offer real-time visibility into project progress, timelines, and resource utilization.
  • Improved Collaboration: By consolidating project data and communication onto one platform, Project Insight has broken down silos, meaning better collaboration between teams and departments.
  • Resource Optimization: Project Insight's capacity planning features enable CPA Canada to identify and address resource issues, ensuring that projects are adequately staffed and completed on time.
  • Comprehensive Reporting: The platform's advanced reporting capabilities easily generate detailed reports, allowing CPA Canada to gain valuable insights into project performance, resource utilization, and overall efficiency.
  • Unified Calendar and Scheduling: Project Insight has built a centralized calendar integrating with individual team calendars to ensure accurate scheduling. This works seamlessly with the organization’s integrations with Outlook and Teams.

Why is Project Insight a Great Solution for Cal Coast?

  • Adaptable Framework: Project Insight seamlessly integrates with existing tools like Outlook and Teams, streamlining communication across teams.
  • Transparency and Accountability: The platform's focus on real-time data aligns with CPA Canada's commitment to accuracy and accountability.
  • Scalability: Project Insight can grow alongside CPA Canada's expanding project portfolio and evolving needs.

How does Cal Coast’s Project Management Work Now?

CPA Canada's project management now operates from a centralized hub in Project Insight. Teams have a unified view of project progress, real-time data, and customizable reports. Calendar integration ensures smooth scheduling and resource allocation. CPA Canada has simplified its complex project management, leading to more efficient processes and successful outcomes for their accountants and clients.

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