Main Challenges
When this customer began with a few employees, they developed a home grown system for time tracking and project status monitoring. Since there was no central database for projects, it was difficult to track the progress of various projects to determine their status and whether they were on budget. The system was also very time-consuming.
- Used a home grown project management system that restricted growth rather than accelerated it
- Lacked visibility to track and manage all projects over multiple locations
- Lacked an end-to-end solution that controlled processes from planning to billing
As the company grew, their project tracking system became increasingly inadequate. "We started looking for an end-to-end project management solution that could take us from planning a project, to tracking progress and, finally, billing," explains their chief technology officer (CTO). "We went through a build vs. buy decision process. We decided to buy when we realized there were solutions available that covered over 85% of our requirements. The rest could be customized to our specific needs."