Many people ask us about earning PDUs for the recorded webinars that Project Insight provides. We investigated with Project Management Institute (PMI) and found out that any live or recorded webinar may qualify for PDUs as long as it pertains to a process area of the A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).
We will continue to provide a PDU certificate for live Project Management Webinars and Agile Webinars you attend, as we can verify your attendance. Look for the PDU icon in our webinar calendar.
If you decide to attend a live webinar that is not labeled as a PM webinar (IT Methodology, Project Insight Product Trainings, Leadership, etc.), we do not send out formal certificates, but you CAN self-report those hours under Course or Training (technical, leadership, or strategic and business management).
Here’s exactly with PMI says about the subject:
“PMI does not endorse any program as being eligible for professional development units (PDUs) if the course is not registered with us. It is the responsibility of the credential holder to determine whether a course that you have taken or are considering to take is relevant to the knowledge or process areas as listed within A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBOK® Guide).”
Project Management Webinars
Instructor-led formal education courses or classes held in-person or online.
Attendance for live Project Management Webinars and Agile Webinars on our webinar calendar along with the PDU icon, should be reported under Course or Training.
Handbook Description
Participating in educational training courses is a traditional and effective way to learn. There are many outlets for these activities offered by PMI and third-party providers across the globe.
- 1 hour of instruction equals 1 PDU
- When only a portion of a course relates to topics relevant to the PMI Talent Triangle skill areas, calculate PDUs by the percentage of the overall curriculum focused on the applicable topic
- Report each course separately. Entire degree programs will not be recognized for PDU credits, only individual courses
- Submit PDUs - General Tips
Documentation required for audit: Registration form, certificate or letter of attendance.
Recorded Webinars
Previously recorded webinars relative to Project Management topics may be eligible for PDU credit under Online or Digital Media.
Handbook Description
Self-paced learning conducted online or through varied forms of digital media.
Technology allows you to customize learning and educational opportunities to your schedule and needs. Many educational webinars, videos and other types of digital content are available online and on demand. Look into the opportunities that are available through these resources.
- 1 hour of learning equals 1 PDU
- Qualifying activities must be relevant to PMI Talent Triangle skill area topics, meet a specified purpose, and use knowledgeable resources
- Submit PDUs - General Tips
Documentation required for audit: Evidence supporting your reported learning, including notes from and dates of activities conducted.
Define the PMI Talent Triangle
Technical Project Management: Knowledge, skills and behaviors related to specific domains of Project, Program and Portfolio Management.
Leadership: Knowledge, skills and behaviors specific to leadership-oriented skills that help an organization achieve its business goals.
Strategic and Business Management: Knowledge of and expertise in the industry or organization that enhances performance and better delivers business outcomes.
The conversion rate for PDUs is 1 PDU per 1 contact hour of course/activity time. This means that for every hour officially spent in the activity, you can claim 1 PDU. If you are only claiming one quarter hour, half hour, or three quarters hour of time spent on an activity, please change the PDU amount by entering one of the following:
- 0.25= One quarter hour PDU amount
- 0.50= One half hour PDU amount
- 0.75= Three quarters hour PDU amount
- 1.00= One hour PDU amount
Please note, PMI reviews a percentage of all submissions for professional development units (PDUs) to ensure they meet the criteria established by the CCR program. Once the review has been completed, PMI will send you an e-mail to let you know if the PDU claim was approved or if there are additional questions required for clarification. This e-mail will be sent to your primary e-mail address on file.
For clarification, you would only need to forward any supporting documentation you may have concerning the relevance to Project Management topics or about the credit value of your course/activity if your PDU claim was audited. If audited, supporting documentation may include a course/activity transcript, description, completion summary, or course/activity certificate of completion.
If the PDU claim is rejected, sometimes this is simply because the Continuing Certification Department needs additional information. In a case such as this, the candidate can send an email to to discuss the claim and their claim can be resubmitted.
More detailed PDU category information and credential maintenance requirements can be found in the PMP Continuing Certification Requirement (CCR) Handbook online. You can also visit PMI’s Maintain Your Certification page.
If you have any questions please feel free to contact
Source: CCR Handbook, updated 12 January 2016
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