Create a Project - Adding Resources


System administrators, project managers, project schedulers


  • Add resources to a project template or existing project
  • Review permissions of Project Resource, Project Scheduler, and Project Manager
  • Add resources by group, department, or company
  • Mass-assign tasks to a resource


If you’re adding resources to a project template or you did not select a team of resources on your project add/edit form, you may add resources later on the same form. Alternatively, you may navigate to the ‘resources’ menu in the upper right corner, then click on ‘project resources.’

You’ll notice that if you created the project your name is already added to the project as the project manager.

To add a single resource, simply select that person’s name from the pull down menu of the resource pool under the ‘last name’ and ‘first name’ columns. Next, tab over and assign the team member as a project resource, project scheduler or project manager.

The project resource can update percent complete of the task, add comments, enter time or expenses, post issues, add files and more.

The project scheduler may add tasks, make assignments, adjust duration and work. This person is not able to create or delete projects.

The project manager has all of those rights and can see financial information on the project. 

Click project resource and click Save. If you want to add multiple resources at once and save time, click on the quick add resources.

If you know that everybody from a particular department needs to participate, you may select ‘Quick Add By Department’ or ‘Quick Add By Group’ or ‘Quick Add By Company.’  Select the company and click ‘+’ (add).

Now you’ll notice that Andrea has fifteen tasks and everybody else has zero.  You can mass-assign tasks to a resource by selecting the clipboard from the action column.  If you’d like you can assign Jill to all of the tasks that call for a project manager.  Select that skill set from the ‘Resource Types/Roles’ list, then click the search icon.  This pulls up all of the tasks on the project that call for a project manager.  We can mass-assign Jill, or selectively choose certain tasks.  If necessary, you can narrow the list to a specific date range.  In this case, let’s mass-assign the tasks that call for a project manager to Jill and click Save.

That brings us back to the resource pool where we can make more assignments. Follow the same process. Let’s select John as our office manager.  Then click All to mass assign all those tasks and click Save. It’s just that easy.

Online 2/27/2015
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