Dashboard - Approvals and Custom Forms


Project request approvers, time and expense sheet approvers, project managers, sponsors and executives


  • Keep track of approvals you have submitted or any that have been submitted to you
  • Add any custom forms your organization has created
  • Approve or deny any time sheets or expenses submitted with one click access
  • Utilize the 'On it' feature and display options to customize your view


If your role is more managerial, then you may want to use some of the other dashboard elements such as the approvals, custom items or forms, time and expense approvals.

An approval may be routed to team members on any item in Project Insight. This includes projects, tasks, documents, custom forms and more. These approvals act as an electronic signature and makes it easier to view and report on all outstanding approvals.

Approval requests are those that others have asked you to approve. Approval requests I requested are those that I have sent out to others. Displaying these elements on the dashboard allows you to keep track of them easily and to keep them top of mind.

If your team uses custom items, such as business initiative forms, or project request forms, change orders, or risk registers for example, then you may opt to add one or more of those boxes to your dashboard. For example, here are a couple of business initiative forms. Again, you may click on any item to view more detail, add a comment, and more.

If your team is entering time and/or expenses and you are an approver, then it is useful to add that element to your dashboard. You will automatically receive an email alert letting you know that someone needs his/her time or expense report approved, however, you may opt for the dashboard as well. Like any other elements on the dashboard, anything in blue may be clicked on for more detail. To approve a timesheet or expense report, just click on it and select approve or reject.

Online 3/2/2015
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