Adding Resources – Resource Info


System administrators, user managers, project managers


  • Learn the value of completing a resource’s user profile
  • Be trained on the basic definition of each field


The resource info tab is where valuable data is set up about each team member’s rates and skill sets.

If you plan to use the budgeting features in Project Insight, then you will want to enter a default burden rate for each user here.

A burden rate is not only the individual’s pay, but also the overall cost to the organization, including overhead costs like benefits. Then, when a person is assigned to a project or task, the rate will carry over. If necessary, you may change the rate at the project or task level.

The default bill rate is useful for client facing projects. This allows you to keep track of both the internal costs as well as what you plan to invoice the client or organization. This rate can also be edited at the project or task level. The default percent allocation is used to pre-populate how much time a user is allocated to projects when added to projects.



You may associate a user with a particular work schedule.

If the resource is a sponsor of projects, then check the checkbox.

Notice the list of Resource Types/Roles. These were set up in the Administration, Resource Types. Once set up, you may check off as many roles or skill sets that this individual should be associated with. You may also designate a primary or default skill set.

You may decide if a resource is allowed to enter time or expenses. If you do not plan to use time or expense entry and would like to remove those choices from the application’s menus, just uncheck these checkboxes.

Then you can also assign this person a default time code, or a default expense code. If a resource spends most of his or her time on a specific type of work, then this is the time code that will appear in the timesheet and time grid, reducing the number of changes that the user needs to make to enter time.

This helps to eliminate errors on time and expense sheets.

You may associate a team member with a default time sheet and expense report approver. This is usually one’s department head or manager.

Online 1/8/2015
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