Administration - Project Types


System administrators


  • Define the project types to be used by your organization within Project Insight
  • Learn how to categorize projects by industry (client-facing), business initiative or program
  • Understand that project types are relevant for reporting purposes


Project types are the categories of projects that your organization performs. Project types are used in portfolio and project reports, so consider carefully how you would like your reports to roll up.

To determine what should go into your project types, you can start by asking yourself what terms do you currently use to define the types of work and projects you conduct.

Some common types for example, include:

  • IT
  • Marketing
  • Professional services
  • Strategic initiatives

Once you decide what makes sense for your team, you can enter the name of the project type by using the inline editing and clicking enter or save.

Project insight presents a gray line for you to add more project types using the inline editing.

We’ll add R&D as a new project type.

Notice that the list sorts itself alphabetically. If you wanted to reorder your list numerically, enter a number in the order column. For this example, our team will use the web development project type 90% of the time, so by entering a 1 in the order column, this value will appear at the top of the selection or pull down list.

Helpful Resources

Determine Your Best Configuration Options

Project Types Help
Online 11/1/2016
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