Customize Project Reports for Deeper Insights

Run hundreds of standard or canned reports across your data and easily modify them for custom project reporting. Add data columns or roll data up by organization, department, sponsor, project manager, and more. Save and share your customized reports with other team members. Generate and run tailored reports in minutes, enhancing your project insights.


Answer All the Right Questions with Customizable Reports

  • Access real-time management reports on project and portfolio data.
  • Create, save, and share customizable reports tailored to your needs.
  • Get live aggregated data reporting across all projects in your organization.
  • Run customizable reports on tasks, sprints, resources, issues, time & expense, risk, and more.
  • Provide stakeholders a comprehensive view of the portfolio with customizable insights.
  • Schedule automatic reports for consistent, repeatable data insights.
Project Insight Reporting
Pie Chart


Harness Real-Time Data with Customizable Dashboards.

  • Run portfolio reports in various formats—tables, pies, bar charts, or line graphs—with customizable>
  • Create dashboards to dynamically highlight the data you need when you need it.
  • View and customize cross-project information for quick, actionable insights for stakeholders.