Sandbox Changing as of October 31th 2017

If you work in our Sandbox, you are used to visiting your URL with sandbox inserted (e.g. [yourcompanyname] The ability to refresh the data is changing as of October 31th 2017. We are changing the way we operate Sandbox to follow SaaS best practices.

To follow SaaS best practices, Project Insight will no longer wipe the data on scheduled intervals. No more losing your data over the weekend. Yay! Also, for customers new to the Sandbox, you will not be able to build a sandbox with a copy your data from production. We can help you match your Sandbox settings to most of the Admin settings in your production site.

Reach out to us to build you a new Sandbox. You can get the new Sandbox at any time, but we want to make sure you know this change is coming. As of October 31th, 2017, your original URL will no longer refresh regularly.

You can read up on a Sandbox Testing Environment to decide if a Sandbox is right for you.

Online 10/20/2017
Margaret Campbell
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