8 Signs It's Time to Change Your Management Strategy

The organizational strategy of your company is directly proportional to your business performance. If both you and your employees are perfectly organized and aligned with the company’s mission and culture, the likelihood of progressive growth is significant. 
The marketplace is everchanging and the values and expectations of employees are constantly fluctuating. Nothing is certain, an aspect that should lead every entrepreneur and manager to the following question: Should the managing strategy change?

Before we get to the main topic of this post, let us have a look at some of the most important questions you should ask in order to assess whether an organizational shift is necessary. The purpose of these questions is to identify the warning signs that obliges you to take immediate action:

  • Does my company continue to attract talented and highly engaged employees?
  • Are my potential customers coming to me after they’ve “visited” my competitors?
  • How’s the performance of my sales team?
  • Is my customer support service truly helpful and relevant? Can it be improved?
  • How many regular customers are still buying new products (upsells)?
  • Do people spend more time on my competitors’ website and offers?
  • Are my employees still proactive and provide new ideas? Or they’re simply doing their job?
  • If necessary, would my employees agree to work overtime?
  • Is my company’s buyer’s base shrinking while leads and sales are growing?
  • If necessary, would my employees agree to work overtime?
  • Are my competitors’ customers happier than my customers?
  • Am I running the company or the company is running me? Am I doing everything I can?

“Finding out flaws in your organizational strategy isn’t rocket science. Ask yourself relevant questions and provide honest and objective answers. If needed, involve your team in the process and let them contribute with their ideas.” – Paul Genny, Project Manager at Scholar Advisor.

To give you a hand, we’ve prepared 8 hidden signs that suggest that it’s time for you to change your managing strategy. Pay attention, take notes, and implement change!

1. Your Company's Goals Have Changed

Have you recently reassessed your company’s goals? You may have started with one goal in mind, but time and events might have significantly changed the nature of your objective.

For example, if your first goal was to introduce and position your business in the local market, yet the demand for your products and services is significantly higher, your goal might shift from local positioning to national positioning.

In that instance, you’ll need a different managing strategy that’ll involve more employees, more efforts, and more engagement with more customers.

2. Your Team’s Performance is Dissatisfying

Obviously, a decrease in the overall performance of your team is a sure sign that change is necessary. There are so many factors that can dramatically influence your employees. That is why identifying the proper cause for their dissatisfying performance is critical.

If your employees used to perform much better than they do now, you shouldn’t hesitate to ask them what happened. One-on-one meetings are often better because you get to assess both the points your employee is making and their body language.

3. Your Business is Witnessing Exponential Growth

If your business is performing better than you’d ever expected, you should quickly change the managing strategy and the company’s goals.

When hypergrowth happens, meaning that the number of employees significantly increases, the company’s culture might be suffering. If a strong culture was present before the growth, the situation might look truly different because your new team members might not be aligned with the company’s values.

You should dedicate yourself to reestablish and reinforce the values that are driving most success to your company. Also, next time you hire, make sure you carefully select individuals who would have no problem adapting to your company’s culture and expectations.

4. Your Employees are Disengaged and Bored

“When your employees are bored, you know for sure that something’s wrong. An enthusiastic workforce is always going to perform better and bring more results to the company. A bored team, on the other hand, will only drag the company down regardless of your organizational approach.” – Hannah Mick, CEO at Brill Assignment

A change in the managing strategy is a good approach to changing your employees’ attitude. First off, you should start identifying their personal and professional goals. See what they want and try to identify what makes them “tick."

It’s important to know your employees well because that’s the only way you’ll know how to motivate and inspire them. Improving the perks of the job, the salary, or the rewards for accomplishments are just some of the ways you can reestablish a proactive workplace community. Also, making sure that your employees are motivated by the goals of the company is truly essential!

5. The Marketplace and Technology Has Changed

“When the marketplace changes, businesses fall behind. Smart employers and managers don’t wait for the negative outcomes. Instead, they immediately optimize their organizational strategy in such a way that their company will be among the first to adapt.” – George Adkins, HR manager at College-Paper.

When the technology that surrounds your brand, products, or services changes, you have no alternative but to think of what needs to be changed within your workplace. For example, if a revolutionary AI software is released and its features can replace three employees, you’d better start considering what’s best for your business!

6. Your Competitors Have Changed their Strategies and Taken the Lead

Keeping a close eye on your competitors is always a good thing because it gives you a sense of certainty and clarity about where you stand.

When your competitors’ performance is constantly increasing due to a change in their marketing or managing strategy, you should instantly assess what you can do to keep up the pace.

There are many competitor analytics tools on the web that’ll show you exactly what your competitors are doing online. You can take it from there. Assess, analyze, measure, optimize, and scale.

7. Your Staff Keeps Growing in Number

Business growth often demands staff growth. Generally, your customers are the most important factor that determines your business performance. If you keep them happy, they’ll keep you happy.

Well, when the demand increases, you must immediately grow your team in order to keep up with the orders. If you’re selling physical products, everything must be scaled. The production, the packaging, the delivery, the marketing, the sales process, customer support, and basically any other aspect that is even slightly linked to sales.

8. You Haven’t Changed Anything in a While Now

If you haven’t changed or revised your managing strategy for a while now, that might be a subtle sign you need to do so. There are so many things you can discover while analyzing and measuring the performance of your business operations.

We’re experiencing a business environment that changes very fast. The legislation changes. The customers’ expectations change. The competition changes. Everything changes. One day it’s white, the next day is black. Also, your employees change over time too, so paying close attention to their behavior, performance, and motivation is critical.


Changing your managing strategy isn’t an exceptional event and shouldn’t be treated likewise. Without change, there would be no growth. Therefore, never be afraid to optimize your company’s culture, your team, your managing strategy, your sales strategy, and basically anything that’s important for reaching your end goals.

Scott Matthews is a highly passionate project manager at Best Dissertation. During his free time, he writes amazing educational content for A-Writer and Essay Writing Land. Besides, Scott is a well-known author of the Best Essays blog where he helps young project managers manage their problems.